IN BRIEF: PwC Tax & Legal, advised on the matter. PwC Tax & Legal advised Rio Tinto Group with a team including Carlo Romano (Picture –...
Rio Tinto International Holdings Limited v. Italian Revenue Agency
ICA S.r.l. v. Salt S.p.A.
IN BRIEF: Cardosi & Kurecska Studio Associato , Melley Matteo, Tremonti Romagnoli Piccardi e Associati, advised on the matter. Cardosi & Kurecska Studio Associato advised I.C.A....
Dedalus S.p.A.’s Supervisory Body Board
IN BRIEF: Gebbia Bortolotto Penalisti Associati , Giordano & Partners, advised on the matter. Gebbia Bortolotto Penalisti Associati advised Dedalus with a team including Maurizio Bortolotto...
GLP’s Acquisition Of A Logistic Site In Valsamoggia, Italy
IN BRIEF: DLA Piper, PwC Tax & Legal, advised on the matter. DLA Piper advised GLP with a team including Carmen Chierchia (Real Estate), Olaf Schmidt...
Pepe Maria Concetta v. I.N.P.S.
IN BRIEF: Mesiti Studio Legale, advised on the matter. Mesiti Studio Legale advised Pepe Maria Concetta with a team including Domenico Mesiti (Picture – Employment), Employment...
Cagliari Calcio S.p.A.’s Project Financing For The New Stadium
IN BRIEF: Chiomenti, Gatti Pavesi Bianchi Ludovici, advised on the matter. Chiomenti advised Cagliari Calcio with a team including Marco Cerritelli (Picture – Project). Gatti Pavesi...
Win Rent S.p.A. v. SAP S.p.A.
IN BRIEF: Brancadoro e Bonaccorsi di Patti, Di Benedetto & Associati, advised on the matter. Brancadoro e Bonaccorsi di Patti advised Win Rent with a team...
Laganà Carmelo v. I.N.P.S.
IN BRIEF: Mesiti Studio Legale, advised on the matter. Mesiti Studio Legale advised Laganà Carmelo with a team including Domenico Mesiti (Picture – Employment), Employment Litigation)....
Autostrade per l’Italia S.p.A. v. Province of Teramo (IT)
IN BRIEF: Cerulli Irelli – Lorizio & Associati, Tremonti Romagnoli Piccardi e Associati, advised on the matter. Cerulli Irelli – Lorizio & Associati advised Province of...
Saipem S.p.A.’s Supervisory Body Board
IN BRIEF: Chiaruttini e Associati, Gebbia Bortolotto Penalisti Associati , advised on the matter. Chiaruttini e Associati advised Saipem with a team including Stefania Chiaruttini (Independent...
DOpla S.p.A. v. Italian Revenue Agency
IN BRIEF: D’Ayala Valva, Moschetti Francesco e Associati, advised on the matter. D’Ayala Valva advised DOpla S.p.A. with a team including Francesco D’Ayala Valva (Tax Dispute)....
Promozioni Edilizie Italia S.r.l. v. Italian Revenue Agency
IN BRIEF: Brancadoro e Bonaccorsi di Patti, advised on the matter. Brancadoro e Bonaccorsi di Patti advised Promozioni Edilizie Italia with a team including Domenico Bonaccorsi...