TozziniFreire Advogados advised Urca Capital on the transaction. Stocche Forbes Advogados advised Yuca Empreendimentos Imobiliários SPE XI Urca Capital executed the acquisition of quotas issued by Yuca...
Urca’s Acquisition of Yuca
Ceasaminas’ $79.5 Million Privatization Process
Tauil & Chequer Advogados associated with Mayer Brown assisted BNDES in structuring the privatization of Ceasaminas, a mixed economy company of the federal government, supervised by...
Province of Tierra del Fuego’s $3.03 Million Notes Offering
TCA Tanoira Cassagne acted as legal advisor on the transaction Province of Tierra del Fuego executed its $3.03 million offering of tresury letters Serie V Classe 1 due...
Keyrus prend une participation majoritaire dans CMG Consulting Group
Asmar & Assayag a conseillé Keyrus. GDA Avocats a conseillé E.S.E.M Holding. Spark Avocats a conseillé Benjamin Mosseri et Arnaud Müller, cofondateurs de CMG Consulting Group....
AON’s Acquisition of Evaluación de Riesgos Naturales y Antropogénicos
Cuatrecasas advised AON on the transaction AON executed the acquisition of Evaluación de Riesgos Naturales y Antropogénicos (ERN). Aon plc (NYSE:AON) is a leading global professional services firm providing...
Vista Energy Argentina’s $40 Million Notes Exchange Offering
Bruchou & Funes de Rioja advised Vista Energy Argentina on the transaction. Beccar Varela advised the placing agents. Vista Energy Argentina executed its $40 million exchange offering....
Vesta Software Group’s Acquisition of Datalogic Software
Dentons Jiménez de Aréchaga advised Vesta Software on the deal. Vargas Abogados advised Datalogic selling shareholders. Vesta Software Group, a subsidiary of Jonas Software executed the acquisition of Datalogic Software,...
Mohawk’s Acquisition of Elizabeth Group
Demarest advised Mohawk Industries on the transaction Mohawk Industries, Inc. (NYSE: MHK) has entered into an agreement to purchase Elizabeth Coatings, based in Brazil. When combined with Eliane,...
CMCP’s $250 Million Green bonds Offering
Cuatrecasas advised Inversiones CMPC S.A. and Empresas CMPC S.A. The transaction involves a 20-year bond, obtained at an annual effective placement rate of 3.54% with a...
TC Latin America’s $200 Million Loan
Trujillo Abogados advised TC Latin America on the transaction. Canales, Dávila, De la Paz, Enríquez, Leal, Sáenz advised Bancomext. TC Latin America secured a $200 Million Loan...
PetroRecôncavo’s $126 Million Financing
Skadden and BMA – Barbosa, Müssnich Aragão Abogados advised PetroRecôncavo on the transaction. Mayer Brown and Tauil & Chequer Advogados in association with Mayer Brown advised...
Jetsmart Argentina’s Leasing of two Airbus A-320
Fargosi Abogados advised Jetsmart Argentina on the transaction. Hong Kong SAR-headquartered China Aircraft Leasing (CALC) has delivered an Airbus A320neo to Chile’s Jetsmart, the low-cost carrier...